Hi fellow comrades of the SDRCM,
It's been along time since I have seen any of you and many of you may not know me. I 'm originally from Sisseton SD and left from my little home branch in Sisseton. I was called to serve in the Louisiana Baton Rouge mission back in April of 1977. But by special request from the missionary committee in SLC , I was transferred back to complete my mission from December of 1977 -October 1978. My first area was in Pine Ridge and I served in a threesome with Sister Sua and Sister Sakizzie. I was later transferred to McLaughlin and served with Sister Edna Crane, then later with Sister Afuvai, and then Sister Davies. I was transferred to White River where I served with Sister Lee Yazzie and in my last 2 months with Sister Crane (again) and Sister T. ( sorry can't remember how to spell her name) . Nothing was greater than coming home to serve among my own people.
I'm married to Poponatui Sitake, who I later found out is a cousin to Elder Sione Kava. Which is pretty cool, because Elder Kava was in Sisseton with Hone and Soloai before I left on my mission.
I have 5 children, Lata 32, Mato 31, 'Amelia 29, 'Ema 27 and Mani 19. I have 6 grandchildren, 3 boys and 3 girls. My oldest son graduated from BYU law school!! Which is a big deal to my family and Pona's family because he is our first lawyer in the family.
I currently live in Mesa Arizona and my husband and I work for the Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community, as group home parents. We live on the reservation 5/24's in a beautiful group home and take care of their children that are in custody. It's been an amazing adventure!! It has been the hardest and most overwhelming, stressful experience, but I have never learned so much from this position.
Donna Gill Sitake